


Writer. Designer, Marketing Strategist.






I’m a creative digital marketer & branding strategist with a deep-seated curiosity in consumer behavior. Jumping between artisan restaurants and Silicon Valley startups, I have devoted my career to helping bootstrapped businesses discover their unique edge in the crowded space of online digital marketing.

With titles from Senior PR Manager to Designer to Content Marketer & Social Media Strategist, I have experience across the digital marketing ecosystem as a whole. In that experience, I learned there is a lot jargon, metrics & social trends that can make digital marketing sound meaningful, without meaningful results. And well, I got tired of it. That's why I started my own marketing consulting business. 

 Here, I can help business owners make decisions based on real data, without losing their creative edge. It’s my goal to help your business find the right balance between compelling creative campaigns & honest data-driven decisions, so that you not only build brand loyalty but understand why your clients love what you do.


A successful business can not exist without a brand identity, And in today's world of online marketing, a brand is much more than a logo & a color scheme. I work with small businesses to create cohesive identities online by developing authentic visual styles across their website, blog, social media platforms, advertisements & more.  

Compelling content is the most powerful technique available to reach customers online and drive traffic to your website. It is the foundation to building trust and loyalty with your customers. I create clear content strategies, write engaging SEO-rich articles, develop distribution tactics & partner with influencers to increase readership. 




Social media is more than a distribution tool. I help businesses of all sizes utilize social media to increase brand awareness, build communities and most importantly drive sales. Through a unique mix of organic & paid outreach, I not only reach potential customers, but build authentic relationships which drive business results.  


Beautiful creative and well-written content do not create successful marketing campaigns on their own. That is why I help business develop marketing strategies based on data-driven decisions. I will test, iterate and report along the way until we find the right marketing mix for your business. 


Let's work together! Drop me a note & let's start developing a brand identity & digital marketing strategy for your business.